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Don’t Give It Another Thought

Wisdom for the Christian Life Through Short Stories

Discover the unbounded wisdom and power of storytelling. The book in your hand has some of the best and most beloved short stories you will ever read. The stories are not all original. They are the product of many years of listening. The sources from which these stories derive are eclectic. Most of them have been collected from various books, sermons, and front porches as friends and acquaintances told and retold stories they have heard over the years. This collection of stories represents over thirty years of collecting the most relevant, funny, reflective, and spiritually significant stories. Whatever you do, do not put this book down. You will miss out on a wonderful treat if you do. God gives us wisdom through many experiences. These short stories are a bastion of wisdom that will certainly enrich your life and broaden your horizons. I am glad you have it in your hand.